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Vacuum Pump Separators/Silencers
Vacuum Pump Silencers/Separators
Vacuum pump separators and silencers are devices that are used to minimize the noise that is produced by liquid ring vacuum pumps and other types of pumps. They work by absorbing the sound waves that are produced by the vacuum pump, which reduces the overall noise that is emitted.
Vacuum pump silencers are typically made of metal or plastic, and they can be either inline or muffler-style. inline vacuum pump silencers are placed between the vacuum pump and the outlet, while muffler-style vacuum pump silencers are placed at the end of the exhaust pipe.
Vacuum pump silencers can be either single-stage or two-stage. single-stage vacuum pump silencers only have one baffle, while two-stage vacuum pump silencers have two baffles.
Providing Noise Reduction For Necessary Products
Vacuum pumps are still heavily in demand in commercial and industrial operations. As the use of vacuum pumps in various industries has grown throughout the years, the need to have as much noise reduction as grown with it.
Benefits of a Vacuum Pump Silencer
The main benefit of using a vacuum pump silencer is that it can reduce the overall noise that is emitted by the vacuum pump. A vacuum pump silencer is used to minimize the noise that is produced by liquid ring vacuum pumps and other types of pumps. They work by absorbing the sound waves that are produced by the vacuum pump, which reduces the overall noise that is emitted.
This can be beneficial in a number of different situations, such as when the vacuum pump is located in an area where noise would be disruptive, or when the vacuum pump is being used in an environment where noise needs to be minimized for safety reasons.

Vacuum Pump Separator/Silencers Varieties
There are a variety of vacuum pump silencers on the market, and each has its own set of features and benefits.
One type of vacuum pump silencer is the vacuum pump separator. This device is designed to separate the vacuum pump from the rest of the system, which can help to reduce noise levels.
We can provide you with Vacuum Pump Separators or Silencers. Vacuum Pumps are primarily engineered and designed to handle gas, such as air. They will normally operate with an open discharge to the atmosphere. Many times water is used as the liquid compressant on vacuum pumps and the amount of water that is needed depends on the degree of vacuum that is required.
Separator-silencers are used to remove liquid from gas flow vacuum systems. This can be accomplished by using either liquid-sealed rotary positive blowers or liquid ring vacuum pumps. These separator/silencers may be necessary for the inlet (vacuum) and also the discharge of a vacuum pump system. When there are more stringent acoustical environment requirements you will need significant inlet silencing.
An inlet separator will provide corrosion protection for the pump by removing the process liquid before it goes into the vacuum pump. The pump or blower discharge can be normally extremely noisy and can require a high-performance separator -silencer. Operation
Vacuum pumps discharge both water and air into the atmosphere, there are two problems involved: doing away with the water, and silencing the noise of air flowing from the discharge. Vacuum Pump Systems, Inc. can supply you with the discharge separators/sliencers for your system’s needs.
Two Phases of Operation
When it comes to sizing and selecting the appropriate separator/silencer for a vacuum pump system, there are two phases of operation that must be considered:
1) Start-up: This is where the vacuum pump has begun to evacuate the system, which began at atmospheric pressure. During this phase, power requirements and system pressure drop are at their greatest. As the system is emptied, the inlet pressure falls, resulting in a system pressure drop and lower power demands. The overall flow (ACFM) is rather constant, but because of declining inlet pressure, the volume of the discharge will decrease until normal and general operating conditions become restored.
2) Normal operation: During typical operation, noise levels are at their highest.
Liquid ring vacuum pumps are closed-loop on the suction side and discharge to the atmosphere on the outlet side.
The separator/silencer size is determined by the ACFM inlet gas flow with the seal fluid load in GPM. A second pump (barometric leg) may be required to drain the separator sump due to the vacuum condition.
Let Vacuum Pump Systems, Inc., solve your Separator/Silencer problems. With decades of service in the Vacuum Pump Industry, our team can provide you with the parts or services that you need.
Our staff stands by to help you with every part of the the vacuum part of your vacuum pump package.
Let us provide you with the products you need to stay up and running with quality and efficiency. Our trained experienced staff will work with you to provide solutions for each part of your systems. Call us or get your custom quote today.